Aberrant Researcher // Perfected Form (soi) 49 #Flying #Transform #Mill
#Creature (189):
Academy Journeymage (dom) 41
Aeronaut Tinkerer (m15) 43
Aether Adept (m11) 41
Air Marshal (bro) 43
Alchemist's Apprentice (avr) 42
Apprentice Wizard (drk) 21 #top10k
Archaeomancer (m13) 41 #top1k
Archaeomender (jmp) 9
Aspiring Aeronaut (ori) 46 #Flying
Aviation Pioneer (m19) 46
Azure Fleet Admiral (cmr) 58 #top10k
Baithook Angler // Hook-Haunt Drifter (mid) 42 #Flying #Transform #Disturb
Balduvian Shaman (ice) 59
Balloon Peddler (mmq) 59
Blighted Agent (nph) 29 #top10k #Infect
Brinebarrow Intruder (khm) 49 #Flash
Brokers Veteran (snc) 36
Burdened Aerialist (mh2) 38 #Treasure
Canal Courier (cn2) 28
Captain of Umbar (ltr) 45
Cathartic Adept (ala) 34 #Mill
Cloud Pirates (por) 46 #Flying
Covert Operative (lgn) 33
Crafty Pathmage (ons) 77
Cunning Geysermage (znr) 55 #Kicker
Cunning Survivor (hou) 33
Deadeye Rig-Hauler (rix) 36 #Raid
Delver of Secrets // Insectile Aberration (isd) 51 #Flying #Transform
Deranged Assistant (isd) 52 #top10k #Mill
Descendant of Soramaro (sok) 33
Diminisher Witch (woe) 46 #Bargain
Dimir Informant (grn) 36 #Surveil
Disruptive Pitmage (ons) 81 #Morph
Disruptive Student (usg) 69
Dragon's Eye Savants (ktk) 38 #Morph
Dream Fighter (mir) 63
Dreamscape Artist (plc) 40 #top10k
Drifter il-Dal (tsp) 59 #Shadow
Drownyard Explorers (soi) 56 #Investigate
Echo Tracer (lgn) 37 #Morph
Elementalist Adept (fdn) 36 #Prowess #Flash #NEW
Elgaud Shieldmate (avr) 50 #Soulbond
Elite Instructor (thb) 49
Elusive Spellfist (dtk) 53
Enlightened Maniac (emn) 58
Erratic Visionary (war) 48
Erudite Wizard (fdn) 37 #NEW
Escape Artist (ody) 84
Etherium Spinner (mh2) 40
Expendable Lackey (snc) 43
Exultant Cultist (emn) 59
Facet Reader (iko) 50
Fallaji Archaeologist (bro) 48 #Mill
Flying Men (arn) 14 #Flying
Frontline Sage (con) 28 #Exalted
Fugitive Wizard (lgn) 38
Furtive Analyst (mom) 59 #Vigilance
Galvanic Alchemist (avr) 54 #Soulbond
Gearsmith Prodigy (m19) 57
Glintwing Invoker (lgn) 40
Grixis Illusionist (con) 29
Gryff Vanguard (avr) 59 #Flying
Halimar Excavator (wwk) 29 #Mill
Hapless Researcher (jud) 42
Hekma Sentinels (akh) 56
Hisoka's Guard (chk) 68
Hookblade Veteran (acr) 283
Imagecrafter (ons) 87
Information Dealer (ons) 88
Ingenious Thief (por) 58 #Flying
Jaded Analyst (mkm) 62 #Defender
Jeskai Elder (ddn) 46 #Prowess
Jeskai Sage (frf) 38 #Prowess
Jhessian Lookout (ala) 46
Jhessian Thief (ori) 62 #Prowess
Keen Glidemaster (m21) 54
Keymaster Rogue (gtc) 39
Kitesail Corsair (rix) 41
Kitesail Skirmisher (cmr) 77 #Flying #Encore
Knight of the Mists (vis) 36 #Flanking
Knights of Dol Amroth (ltr) 432
Krovikan Sorcerer (ice) 81
Lat-Nam Adept (bro) 56
Lumengrid Warden (mrd) 41
Marchesa's Emissary (cns) 21 #Hexproof #Dethrone
Martyr of Frost (csp) 40
Merchant of Secrets (lgn) 44
Minamo Scrollkeeper (sok) 45 #Defender
Mistblade Shinobi (bok) 43 #top10k #Ninjutsu
Moon-Circuit Hacker (neo) 334 #top10k #Ninjutsu
Moonblade Shinobi (mh1) 59 #top10k #Ninjutsu
Moonsnare Specialist (neo) 335 #top10k #Ninjutsu
Murmuring Mystic (grn) 45 #top10k
Mystic of the Hidden Way (ktk) 48 #Morph
Neurok Invisimancer (som) 37
Neurok Prodigy (dst) 26 #Flying
Neurok Spy (mrd) 44
Ninja of the Deep Hours (bok) 44 #top10k #Ninjutsu
Omenspeaker (ths) 57 #Scry
Outrider of Jhess (ala) 52 #Exalted
Passwall Adept (grn) 50
Peerless Ropemaster (otj) 60
Pelargir Survivor (ltr) 64 #Mill
Persistent Petitioners (rna) 44 #top10k #Mill
Pondering Mage (mh1) 63
Port Inspector (mmq) 90
Prodigal Sorcerer (lea) 73 #top10k
Projektor Inspector (mkm) 68
Prosperous Pirates (xln) 69 #Treasure
Protocol Knight (mom) 74
Proven Combatant (hou) 42 #Eternalize
Psionic Snoop (snc) 53 #Flash #Connive
Queen of Ice // Rage of Winter (eld) 285 #top10k
Raven Guild Initiate (scg) 46 #Morph
Razzle-Dazzler (otj) 63
Reckless Scholar (zen) 60
Relic Runner (dom) 62
Renowned Weaponsmith (frf) 48
Research Assistant (m15) 77
Retrieval Agent (bro) 60
Rimewind Taskmage (csp) 44
Riptide Biologist (ons) 106 #Morph #Protection
Rishadan Airship (mmq) 91 #Flying
Rishadan Cutpurse (mmq) 93
Sage of Days (lci) 73
Sage of Epityr (tsp) 74
Sage of Lat-Nam (atq) 13
Sage of the Unknowable (mh3) 68
Sailor of Means (xln) 73 #Treasure
Scholar of Stars (m19) 71
Scornful Egotist (scg) 50 #Morph
Scribe of the Mindful (akh) 68
Scrivener (exo) 46
Sea Gate Oracle (roe) 85 #top10k
Seeker of Insight (akh) 69
Selhoff Occultist (isd) 73 #Mill
Separatist Voidmage (ori) 72
Shipwreck Looter (xln) 76 #Raid
Shipwreck Sentry (lci) 75 #Defender
Shortcut Seeker (afr) 73
Slickshot Vault-Buster (otj) 68 #Vigilance
Soldevi Sage (all) 34a
Spellweaver Duo (bbd) 42 #Assist
Sphinx's Disciple (bng) 51 #Flying #Inspired
Stalked Researcher (dsk) 73 #Defender #Eerie
Stealer of Secrets (rtr) 53
Steam Frigate (p02) 47
Stormkeld Prowler (woe) 71
Survivor of the Unseen (csp) 48
Talas Air Ship (p02) 48 #Flying
Talas Explorer (p02) 49 #Flying
Talas Lookout (dmu) 68 #Flying
Talas Merchant (p02) 50
Talas Scout (p02) 52 #Flying
Tandem Lookout (avr) 80 #top10k #Soulbond
Teferi's Protege (m21) 295
Telepathic Spies (uds) 47
Terraformer (rav) 70
Third Path Savant (bro) 67
Thought Courier (5dn) 38 #top10k
Thunderhead Squadron (mom) 81 #Flying #Convoke
Tolarian Scholar (dom) 71
Tolarian Sentinel (tsp) 87 #Flying
Trickster Mage (nem) 49
Trinket Mage (5dn) 39 #top10k
Trove Tracker (cmr) 104 #Encore
Tunnel Surveyor (dsk) 76
Vantress Paladin (eld) 72 #Flying #Adamant
Venerated Teacher (roe) 93
Vizier of Tumbling Sands (akh) 75 #top10k #Cycling
Voidmage Apprentice (lgn) 54 #top10k #Morph
Voidwielder (rtr) 56
Vortex Runner (stx) 60
Waylaying Pirates (lci) 85
Weldfast Wingsmith (kld) 69
Windrider Wizard (znr) 87 #top10k #Flying
Wing Commando (bro) 73 #Flying #Prowess
Wingcrafter (avr) 83 #top10k #Soulbond
Wizard Mentor (usg) 112
Wizards of the _____ (unf) 350
Wu Elite Cavalry (ptk) 58 #Horsemanship
Wu Infantry (ptk) 59
Wu Light Cavalry (ptk) 60 #Horsemanship
Wu Scout (ptk) 62 #Horsemanship
Wu Warship (ptk) 64
Zephyr Scribe (dtk) 85
Zulaport Duelist (znr) 88 #Flash #Mill
Zuran Spellcaster (ice) 112
#Changelings (27):
Bloodline Pretender (khm) 235 #top10k #Changeling
Mistwalker (khm) 68 #Changeling #Flying
Mistform Mask (ons) 94 #Enchant
Mistform Seaswift (lgn) 45 #Flying #Morph
Maskwood Nexus (khm) 240 #top1k
Amorphous Axe (mh1) 219 #Equip
Mistform Wakecaster (lgn) 48 #Flying
Mistform Warchief (scg) 43
Mistform Sliver (lgn) 46
Mothdust Changeling (mor) 42 #top10k #Changeling
Runed Stalactite (lrw) 260 #Equip
Three Tree Mascot (blb) 251 #top10k #Changeling
Mistform Mutant (ons) 95
Mistform Stalker (ons) 98
Mistform Shrieker (ons) 96 #Flying #Morph
Turtleshell Changeling (lrw) 94 #Changeling
Mistform Dreamer (ons) 93 #Flying
Shapesharer (lrw) 85 #top10k #Changeling
Littjara Kinseekers (khm) 66 #Scry #Changeling
Mistform Skyreaver (ons) 97 #Flying
Mistform Wall (ons) 99
Barkform Harvester (blb) 243 #top10k #Reach #Changeling
Wings of Velis Vel (lrw) 97 #Changeling
Amoeboid Changeling (lrw) 51 #top10k #Changeling
Ego Erasure (lrw) 59 #Changeling
Universal Automaton (mh1) 235 #top10k #Changeling
Mistform Ultimus (lgn) 47
#Support (14):
Avacyn's Collar (dka) 145 #Equip
The Eleventh Hour (who) 41 #Food
Hunted by The Family (who) 361
Slayer's Plate (soi) 264 #Equip
Mass Appeal (avr) 66 #top10k
Butcher's Cleaver (isd) 217 #Equip
Bladed Bracers (avr) 213 #Equip
Silver-Inlaid Dagger (isd) 233 #Equip
Sharpened Pitchfork (isd) 232 #Equip
Horn of Gondor (ltr) 240 #top10k
Of One Mind (iko) 60 #top10k
True-Faith Censer (soi) 267 #Equip
Heavy Mattock (dka) 150 #Equip
Drannith Ruins (mat) 100 #top10k
#Non-commander-legal (36):
Osgood, Operation Double (twho) 32 #top100 #Investigate #Paradox
The Value Knight (da1) RU07a #top100 #Food
Decorated Knight // Present Arms (hho) 19 #top100
Mer Man (ust) 39 #top100
The Bus Runner (da1) RZ04m #top100 #NEW
Brushstroke Paintermage (unh) 27 #top100
The Majestic Duo (da1) RZ04n #top100 #NEW
Graveyard Busybody (ust) 34 #top100
Clocknapper (ust) 29 #top100
Barce, Friend Finder (da1) MU03 #top100
Suspicious Nanny (ust) 47 #top100 #Assemble
Wild Maenads (tdag) 7 #top100
Tricky Mage (da1) UU03 #top100
The Rhystic Storyteller (da1) RU72 #top100
The Clever Magician (da1) RU04a #top100 #Scry
Rollicking Throng (tdag) 2 #top100
Johnny, Combo Player (unh) 35 #top100
Xerex Squire (da1) UU03c #top100
Moniker Mage (unh) 39 #top100
Human-Time Lord Meta-Crisis (who) 585 #top100
Wistful Puppeteer (da1) CU04d #top100
The Fish Brewer (da1) RU42 #top100
Spectrox Mines (who) 599 #top100 #Treasure #Food
Human Wizard (temn) 2 #top100
Artful Looter (unh) 25 #top100
S.N.E.A.K. Dispatcher (ust) 43 #top100
The Crab Queen (da1) RU38 #top100
Adventurer Beguiler (da1) UU05 #top100
Magical Hacker (unh) 37 #top100
Sicarian Infiltrator (t40k) 8 #top100
Defective Detective (ust) 32 #top100
Blurry Visionary (mb2) 290 #top100
Serpent Dancers (tdag) 6 #top100 #Deathtouch
Focused Funambulist (unf) 333 #Flash
Richard Garfield, Ph.D. (unh) 44 #top100
Magic Designer (da1) UC02 #top100
#r= gives the edhrec rank of the card; the lower the ranking, the more decks the card is played in.